Thursday, April 29, 2010

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The Yellow bee lives in the flowery field, likes to do many activities and learn. He once painted a beautiful rainbow which was beautiful, beautiful. Yellow
This bee likes to get water to irrigate their beautiful and well cared for plants and flowers. Yellow Bee
loves to read and aprnder and likes to use your imagination. Descanzo afternoon observing nature.
One day he said: I will teach my friends the colors in English. Red = Red

Purple = Purple Light Blue = Orange = Orange
Celeste Green = Green

Brown = Café

Pink = Pink White Yellow = Yellow

Black = White = Black

Colorín colorado this story has acbado, if you learn these colors, you have won. End


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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The Yellow Bee Books and stories .... Happy day dear land

On the Day of the book, our children and their parents created beautiful stories that present day to you.

"There once was a bunny named Antonio, he loved to play in his yard.
... One day it started raining and we were very scared bunny storms ...
Your Mom I entered the house, dry and gave him a warm milk and lots of love to pass the scare ...
again the next day the sun rose and the bunny Antonio could play in his yard. As hacía siempre...
Y colorín colorado este cuento se ha acabado."


Thursday, April 22, 2010

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"Si cuidamos nuestra tierra que es
lugar donde habitamos,
viviremos felices en ella y creceremos muy sanos"

Desde pequeños los niños deben adquirir la conciencia del cuidado del lugar donde viven. Desde ellos mismos, su casa, hogar, su comunidad y su planeta. Nosotros los adultos somos quienes creamos esa conciencia en ellos. No es muy difícil, podemos comenzar con poner la basura en su lugar y disfrutar de los espacio que la naturaleza nos brinda.
Sigamos potenciando en ellos lo que viene naturalmente en su interior.

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pure solidarity

La Vega, in the commune of Cauquenes, is a small rural hamlet, whose inhabitants have lost over 90% of their homes. Luis Valladares Ecotourism students of Viña Unab were to accompany the families and were also warmly received by the director of the School of Mr. Angel Aguilera place and three other teachers in the area. Young people also stayed overnight at the school and organized to deliver to local children's toys, school supplies and books that they carried, as well as donations from friends Curacaví (Lorena Ramirez, Anita Correa, Solange Kukulis and Jaime Venegas). For its part, our friend Franz Castro, who visited Biota Maule and Vilchana for Easter had the brilliant idea that for her birthday gifts do not, but give him money. He collected $ 110,000 and donated entirely to buy school supplies for children in La Vega. They are proof that large and small grains of sand can contribute. Congratulations and thanks to all of them.

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8 and April 9, 1914 Bethlehem Girls Home Talca, along with two aunts visited Vilches. They lived through the earthquake, but also learned about the tsunami, they were on holiday in the resort of Curanipe. Fortunately escaped unharmed, however we have still not quiet sleep. In order help them overcome the trauma, Vilches invited and accompanied by our director Luis Valladares and his students at the U Ecotourism andres Bello vineyards, enjoy both of two days of games and nature.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

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"Diversity is primarily multiplicity of expressions, bodies and parts that live up in the smallest species of nature, integrating ways in which each being, in their difference needs to others, and still retains its own organization "
not enough to say, not seem to be enough. Inclusion is a path that looks from away, but live every day. Daily physical and emotional contact allows us to feel we do well, we move ever closer to a better inclusion. Is not the same look of diversity from the other village, which share the difficulty with them. That's why we do not will move away, but we will try every day until no longer feel any difference in the process.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

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Diversity Bunnies

is becoming more difficult to explain to children what is "Semana Santa". For most of them is a day to eat chocolate until you drop. For parents, a weekend to relax. But this is not so bad, if we experience in family, as something magical, a spiritual gathering, a chance to see all the love and affection. What good would one day create a chocolate gift to another, with a smile and a good desire, and those who want not. Also give importance to meditation to think about their actions, solve the most of your conflicts. How nice it would be distributed along with chocolates, we divided sweetness.

And the parents? ... It's time to talk with our children, give them smiles and little gestures of love.
What about teachers? ... Let us not in the know and go on inside. meditation, peace, austerity, reflection and show our small, this is a beautiful place to share, to meet.
not easy not tempted to buy many, very very many chocolates (especially those who are addicted) But give meaning to this wonderful invention, an emotional sense, not just commercial.