Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Does A Kilo A Fat Look Like

day .... How

"The subject is a creature of needs which only satisfy social relations that determine "Reviere

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Uteran Prolapse Pregnancy

speaks the moon?

We can all become what we want to be, but it is also true that not everyone can go further to find out what we unimaginable can say ...
With this sentence I allude mainly to teaching profile. We can all be educators, in other words, "anyone can teach, however, not everyone can become a great professional education, but a great professional education can come from anywhere, as long as this place provides the opportunity to break through any obstacle deconstructed and constructed based on the human condition, with educational discourse, with perseverance, courage, humility, tenacity, sincerity, intrinsic values \u200b\u200bof human beings, deeply related to a huge need to be constantly struggling against adversity, to discover what is not explained or what is not understood by the everyday, what is outside of normal socially accepted. The moon is an allusion to the brightness which children with autism @ s have on the social obscurity. They are able to give us light the face of adversity, and if we enter their world and dare to know, from within, we can discover their thinking. In a nutshell what the moon means to us ...

Natalia Valenzuela (special education students in practices, integration)