Friday, January 1, 2010

Basket Ball Net Sloped Driveway

Hello world again from your magnificent friend and colleague on the interwebs, eni the magnificent friend. At least to the bug / mumipupi. I Have Been silent very long time But Not to be considering this unusual, yes or no?

holeas the world again Your friend's super magnificent friend and traveling companion for the network of networks of networks, eni magnificent friend and colleague. (At least the bug / mumipupi) has happened many times they've had news of me, but this is not something very unusual in itself, whether or not the case.

From 12/06/2009

It is Appropriate for someone of my social class and standing to be too busy for Keeping the likes of you normal type Informed Citizens Activities of my high class. As well I am very scared Being Once Again Because it is the Season to Be Jolly by the plebs Many setting off bombs around my house to Convince Me That the war is going and It Would Be Better for me not to go walking.

is not inappropriate that this happens because someone of my stature and class does not always have time for this notice and informadiando standing citizens of my high-class activities. well enough that I have to spend so much time being confined to my house and little more for so little class people who celebrate the greeting season planting bombs around the clock to convince me that war has begun and it would be better than I walk

From 12/06/2009

As well as this That Are people doing this to fuck There is the god of the weather Who is sending me the days when rain and Many Many Other days as well. 've never been to this popular party with me and it still is not. At least it does seem to Be unencoraging to setting the bomb But not enough people.

further that all these people who do this to be fucking me over is the god of the clouds to send every day if you and all the other days if too cloudy to get a gray rainy I've never been popular with me my matches. at least if a bit off-putting to the pump but not as much as they should and that

From 24/12/2009 (1)

Each Time That Means We Are Going To Be walking out quckly I am happy inside the house again.

this means the end that each of the times we are in the street for this walk are rapidly being back in the house happily

From 12/24/2009 (1)

The bug / mumipupi too has a new Labour Of Love That Is Taking Away His time with me and this is to Be making a new interweb , But more for him Than for the glory of the eni magnificent and so forth.

as well and also the bug / mumipupi long time has been wasted in a new interred for your stuff that is not for the glory of my magnificent

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