Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ran Out Of Lighter Fluid

because chance or a slip, any woman can become a mother. Nature has endowed at point blank range of the 'maternal instinct' in order to preserve the species. If not for that, what she would do to see this tiny creature and weeping would throw. But thanks to the 'maternal instinct' stupefying sight, he finds beautiful and prepares to free care until they turn at least 21 years.

consider being a mother is much more noble sounding noses and wash diapers that finish school, succeed in a career or stay thin. Vocation is to exercise without rest, always with the refrain of which they brush their teeth, go to bed early, get good grades, do not smoke, and drink milk. You worry about vaccines, cleaning ears, studios, swearing, boyfriends and girlfriends, not offended when they send her to shut up or you pull the door in my face, because they are not anything ... Is hoping to stay again unveiled the daughter of the party and, when it comes, be not to annoy the sleeping. Tremble when the child is learning to drive, ride a motorbike, shaving, love, introduced examinations or her tonsils removed. You mourn when they see the children happy and grit your teeth and smile when you see suffering. It is used as a babysitter, teacher, chauffeur, cook, laundry, medical, police, confessor and mechanical, unpaid salaries. Is to deliver their love and their time without expecting thanked. That is, they are 'old things' when they send it flying. Mother is someone who loves us and cares for us every day of your life.

The biggest complaint is that mothers have to die before you reach to pay them part of what they have done. I leave you helpless, guilty and incurably orphan. Luckily there is one ... Because no one would endure the pain of losing twice.

Isabel Allende

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Does A Kilo A Fat Look Like

day .... How

"The subject is a creature of needs which only satisfy social relations that determine "Reviere

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Uteran Prolapse Pregnancy

speaks the moon?

We can all become what we want to be, but it is also true that not everyone can go further to find out what we unimaginable can say ...
With this sentence I allude mainly to teaching profile. We can all be educators, in other words, "anyone can teach, however, not everyone can become a great professional education, but a great professional education can come from anywhere, as long as this place provides the opportunity to break through any obstacle deconstructed and constructed based on the human condition, with educational discourse, with perseverance, courage, humility, tenacity, sincerity, intrinsic values \u200b\u200bof human beings, deeply related to a huge need to be constantly struggling against adversity, to discover what is not explained or what is not understood by the everyday, what is outside of normal socially accepted. The moon is an allusion to the brightness which children with autism @ s have on the social obscurity. They are able to give us light the face of adversity, and if we enter their world and dare to know, from within, we can discover their thinking. In a nutshell what the moon means to us ...

Natalia Valenzuela (special education students in practices, integration)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Purple Spot On Bikini Line

Happy Father's Day .....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sew In Bang Without Full Sew-in

In a dream a beautiful reality ... Happy day dear Mama

is amazing in that day dreamed q :....
one day plant a seed that would grow a beautiful flower. as the days passed I became anxious to see how it would be my flower and every time they appeared before me a clear picture of it, I woke up and intrigue me toward bigger, until I could not wait to come back at night to return my dream.
at all times watched and watered and doing everything possible for me not to wither.
arose again the presence of that image is sharp but when I woke up I could hardly see it.
were passing those beautiful nine months and I arrived last night to God asking him to dream, to see this beautiful flower would grow.
that night everything seemed strange in the dream, did not understand what was happening: the petals turned blue, became branches and leaves a body in his arms.
until I discovered that God fulfilled the dream. actually occurred a flower 10.27.1907 plant that became a beautiful baby. and hence the name Florence, it means the WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FLOWER.
always dreamed one day that I became an aunt and godmother, was awakened from a wonderful dream, which is very much and longed to this day that I thank God for giving my life this beautiful flower: my niece that I love and be loved by the rest of my life ...

thank you very much! Lorena Rios

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Emperor Scorpion Cannabilism

will never be enough praise for the woman who is mother. It generates and transmits
. Tie the past with the future. Continues the history of mankind. Exercises the communicative function of love. Embodies the mystery of life. Receives and delivers. Enlarge the material world and the spiritual world. Beautify the universe. However ...
If she understands motherhood as a mission that the league only to the procreation and education of children is not really a mother, but half-woman, becomes blind to warn his other commitments and responsibilities. This happens when the mother exists only son, and nothing else, and nobody else.
The woman who is mother, is also a wife, daughter, sister, friend, citizen, member of a community ... Therefore, the myth of motherhood that only a mother instinct, we must assert the truth of a concept of motherhood is responsible: not the mother that closes around their children but the mother for her children, open to others.
If the woman who is mother knows prioritize all these relationships and duties, far from diminishing her maternal role complements and enriches it. A maternity
encouraging: when the mother is cloistered in their children exclusively. There is a maternity releases: precisely when the mother delivered with bright responsibility for their children, cares for and loves and works for his own responsibility, their environment and the world.
is why every mother should fly to his son and his son .... Fly, but most of all, by her freckles Garden

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How To Get Wear Effect Nudie Jeans

Small steps for integration

From the social construction of reality in our classroom, as educators we are constantly subjected to social stereotypes about humanity and human behavior, often forgetting that human beings have multiple variables from the human condition, so that work toward a subjugated society that increasingly modernized and miss ratio reflected the rights that every human being.
That's why as part of important social deconstruction and reconstruction to the changes, it is important to provide the integrative possibilities of our child as well, presenting a hundred languages \u200b\u200b(Loris Malaguzzi) new to communicate with the world we are all entitled to share .
Among the many factors that make it increasingly complex and extensive classroom work within educational institutions, we find that children throughout the process of teaching / learning have difficulty understanding their external environment, to a greater or lesser degree, but are latent and must be served by the educational system in a much more rigorous, because of the demands presented by each child according to their individuality. Including the concept of disability points strongly to the issue of integration into the regular campuses, it is not a surprise to many who have been associated with this topic during the last decades, but for those not fully informed of way to be carried out this process and represents a huge challenge. From
described above is that we open the doors to the world of difference by inviting anyone who wants to share this beautiful space for learning. Since our conception of development that where the role of adult, family, society, institutions, professionals, support and shoring is to be child development

Natalia Valenzuela (Education trainees differential)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sound Blasterx Fi Mb Licence Number

The Yellow bee lives in the flowery field, likes to do many activities and learn. He once painted a beautiful rainbow which was beautiful, beautiful. Yellow
This bee likes to get water to irrigate their beautiful and well cared for plants and flowers. Yellow Bee
loves to read and aprnder and likes to use your imagination. Descanzo afternoon observing nature.
One day he said: I will teach my friends the colors in English. Red = Red

Purple = Purple Light Blue = Orange = Orange
Celeste Green = Green

Brown = Café

Pink = Pink White Yellow = Yellow

Black = White = Black

Colorín colorado this story has acbado, if you learn these colors, you have won. End


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How Does Panadol Kill You

The Yellow Bee Books and stories .... Happy day dear land

On the Day of the book, our children and their parents created beautiful stories that present day to you.

"There once was a bunny named Antonio, he loved to play in his yard.
... One day it started raining and we were very scared bunny storms ...
Your Mom I entered the house, dry and gave him a warm milk and lots of love to pass the scare ...
again the next day the sun rose and the bunny Antonio could play in his yard. As hacía siempre...
Y colorín colorado este cuento se ha acabado."


Thursday, April 22, 2010

When Can I Evolve My Eevee On Pokemon Indigo?

"Si cuidamos nuestra tierra que es
lugar donde habitamos,
viviremos felices en ella y creceremos muy sanos"

Desde pequeños los niños deben adquirir la conciencia del cuidado del lugar donde viven. Desde ellos mismos, su casa, hogar, su comunidad y su planeta. Nosotros los adultos somos quienes creamos esa conciencia en ellos. No es muy difícil, podemos comenzar con poner la basura en su lugar y disfrutar de los espacio que la naturaleza nos brinda.
Sigamos potenciando en ellos lo que viene naturalmente en su interior.