Sunday, May 9, 2010

Emperor Scorpion Cannabilism

will never be enough praise for the woman who is mother. It generates and transmits
. Tie the past with the future. Continues the history of mankind. Exercises the communicative function of love. Embodies the mystery of life. Receives and delivers. Enlarge the material world and the spiritual world. Beautify the universe. However ...
If she understands motherhood as a mission that the league only to the procreation and education of children is not really a mother, but half-woman, becomes blind to warn his other commitments and responsibilities. This happens when the mother exists only son, and nothing else, and nobody else.
The woman who is mother, is also a wife, daughter, sister, friend, citizen, member of a community ... Therefore, the myth of motherhood that only a mother instinct, we must assert the truth of a concept of motherhood is responsible: not the mother that closes around their children but the mother for her children, open to others.
If the woman who is mother knows prioritize all these relationships and duties, far from diminishing her maternal role complements and enriches it. A maternity
encouraging: when the mother is cloistered in their children exclusively. There is a maternity releases: precisely when the mother delivered with bright responsibility for their children, cares for and loves and works for his own responsibility, their environment and the world.
is why every mother should fly to his son and his son .... Fly, but most of all, by her freckles Garden


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