Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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Small steps for integration

From the social construction of reality in our classroom, as educators we are constantly subjected to social stereotypes about humanity and human behavior, often forgetting that human beings have multiple variables from the human condition, so that work toward a subjugated society that increasingly modernized and miss ratio reflected the rights that every human being.
That's why as part of important social deconstruction and reconstruction to the changes, it is important to provide the integrative possibilities of our child as well, presenting a hundred languages \u200b\u200b(Loris Malaguzzi) new to communicate with the world we are all entitled to share .
Among the many factors that make it increasingly complex and extensive classroom work within educational institutions, we find that children throughout the process of teaching / learning have difficulty understanding their external environment, to a greater or lesser degree, but are latent and must be served by the educational system in a much more rigorous, because of the demands presented by each child according to their individuality. Including the concept of disability points strongly to the issue of integration into the regular campuses, it is not a surprise to many who have been associated with this topic during the last decades, but for those not fully informed of way to be carried out this process and represents a huge challenge. From
described above is that we open the doors to the world of difference by inviting anyone who wants to share this beautiful space for learning. Since our conception of development that where the role of adult, family, society, institutions, professionals, support and shoring is to be child development

Natalia Valenzuela (Education trainees differential)


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