Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everyone Loves Raymond Kitchen

Pizzas Eggplant, Ricotta and Brie

Today is day 15 and touches Pizza recipe. A month ago
dels boys Fogons the Navy Bordeta and Desfeta Xocolata began a new and very interesting section, where we proposed that through a particular ingredient or a dish as basic to elaborate our imagination and ingenuity a customized version of that dish.
The intent of this proposal is surprised each month with different and original interpretations of the plate starting all the same ingredient.
The proposal is entirely voluntary, no rules or restrictions and all that anyone can join. A fun experience and a multitude of results.
you imagine, when I saw the proposal this month was the pizza, I went crazy desire to participate and start to develop a recipe.

long ago asking me to cook something spicy sausage, like bread, a pastry snacks .... but I do not really like, well yes I like, but in small doses, and always leave that for another time. Well, this time was perfect because I made two pizzas so completely different.
version Eggplant and Ricotta is very soft and tasty. The cheese gives it a good texture to the pizza, making it melt in your mouth, leaving a delicious flavor. Sobrasada
version and Brie, surprisingly is not strong as Brie power decreases sobrasada getting a couple perfecta, y de gran sabor.
Dos opciones muy diferentes pero de las que disfrutaréis al máximo si os gustan sus ingredientes.

Pizza de Berenjena y Ricotta y Pizza de Sobrasada y Brie:

Ingredientes para la masa:
500 g de Harina de fuerza
30 g de levadura de panadería
½ cucharadita de sal
1 vaso de agua
1 dl de Aceite de Oliva
Ingredientes para la Pizza de Berenjena:
8 slices of eggplant.

60 gr of buffalo mozzarella (Media bag, keep the other half to the other pizza)
100 gr of grated mozzarella (Media bag, keep the the other half for pizza)
Ricotta cheese 80 gr
Pizza Ingredients Sobrasada:
sobrasada 80 g 60 g
buffalo mozzarella
100 gr of grated mozzarella
Brie cheese 40 gr
Preparing the dough:
In a bowl put the bread flour, yeast, water and oil, in that order. Mix well with a spatula and start working a little until a uniform dough well and not too sticky. Make a ball and let in the bowl, covered with a tea towel in a warm place at least 30 minutes. Normally this time and you can get a good pizza dough, but I recommend you leave it stand at least 1 hour. Will be much more fluffy and you can work more easily.
When we decide to stretch it, put the dough on top of a surface silpat , is ideal for pizza, avoid tearing and stretch very well. We worked until the desired thickness and place a sheet of baking paper over the dough. Tighten and turn 180 degrees, leaving the silpat above. Silpat begin to withdraw the dough carefully, helping the body to rest on the baking paper. Once we have our mass transferred to paper, put it in a pizza pan. I always use a circular metal with small holes in the base. Transpire let the pizza and is very crisp.
Development of eggplant and ricotta pizza:
Preheat oven to 220 º C
We place the eggplant slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
The bathed in a splash of olive oil. Bake about 5 minutes or until tender and beginning to brown.
Cut the mozzarella and scatter based on our pizza.
distribute the ricotta through the holes that are not in the top mozzarella and place the eggplant slices.
We just add the grated mozzarella. Bake 10-12 minutes.
Preparation of spicy sausage and brie pizza:

Preheat oven to 220 º C.

Cut the mozzarella and scatter based on our pizza.
sobrasada distribute in all over the pizza slices, alternating with brie cheese.
We finish adding grated mozzarella. Bake 10-12 minutes.

encourage you to try them I hope


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