Monday, February 28, 2011

Example Of Monthly Counselings

Happy Carnival

And we continue with another classic French cuisine in the new challenge that we have proposed Whole Kitchen girls for the month of February.
I have to say that the pancakes and I have prepared more than once, because at home we love.
is a pleasure to wake up on Sunday morning, know that we have no hurry, that time stops and you have all day for us to enjoy a special breakfast and delicious as good crêpes.
At home we always got up very early so we took our time eating breakfast is the best time of day and now starting to make good time, we can enjoy the terrace and garden, and no love. There is a peace and tranquility that is priceless.

this occasion I wanted to make them a little different from the traditional, so I've made of chocolate. I've also added a little beer to the mix, to act as yeast.
The end result I was not disappointed at all. I liked the color, flavor and texture to acquire these crêpes. No doubt will again. The
accompanied by what we want, we have many possibilities, in our case the blueberry jam accompanied with cream and strawberries and cream choice of chocolate mocha.

Whole Sweet kitchen in its proposal for the month of February we invited to prepare a classic French cuisine, Crêpes.

Chocolate Crêpes:


flour 95 gr.
20 g cocoa powder.
20gr icing sugar.
250 ml of whole milk.
2 large eggs.
60 ml of lager.
30 gr melted butter, plus a little more for greasing the pan.

Sift flour into a bowl and chocolate powder. Add the sugar and mix well.

In another bowl mix the milk with the eggs when they are well integrated and add the beer and melted butter.

is important that the eggs and milk are at room temperature, otherwise the melted butter will harden.

We add the liquid ingredients to the solids and mix well to get one that is fine textured and smooth. We left cold until use.

with a paper towel that has a bit of butter, we spread our hot skillet.
filled a bucket with our mix and we put on our pan, we extend it to make it very thin layer. After a minute looking for ien off the edges, we turn the crêpe, if it can be flipped in the air and after helping with a spatula. Serve hot or warm.

encourage hope you try them.
Happy Week! Ingrid


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