Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Long For Temazepam To Kick In

Whole Kitchen Chocolate and Hazelnut Financiers

These little biscuits from France are characterized by incorporating in their ingredients, ground almonds, as the main basis of the mass.

Whole Fresh Kitchen in its proposal for the month of March, invites us to prepare a classic French gastronomy, Financiers.

For the purpose of this month I have chosen a slightly different version of the classic Financier, and I used ground hazelnuts instead of almonds. We also provide an excellent flavor combined with chocolate and chopped hazelnuts on top.

The financiers are usually oval or rectangular and are a typical dessert in France. In fact in any Boulangerie we can find an assortment of them. It is always a delight paseasrse by these bakeries with all its sweet temptations.

Recipe I present is from a French book dedicated to them and other sweet and savory tarts mini. series is Marabout Chef .

Chocolate Hazelnut Financiers:

Ingredients for 12 units:
6 egg whites.
185 gr melted butter.
100 g ground hazelnuts.
240 gr icing sugar.
75 g of flour.
1 tablespoon cocoa powder.
100 g of black chocolate into small pieces.
35 gr of toasted hazelnuts the oven and sliced.


Preheat oven to 200 º C. We prepare our molds oval for 12 financiers.

Beat egg whites lightly with a fork. Add the melted butter, ground hazelnuts, flour, icing sugar and cocoa powder and chopped chocolate. Mix well to incorporate all ingredients.

Sprinkle evenly into each mold of the 12 that we prepared. Add on top of each of the chopped hazelnuts.

Bake about 25 minutes. Let cool completely on wire rack.

Hope you like! Ingrid

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bmi Data Of Females From Another Country

Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake Coca Recapte

started the week with a majestic nonsense, soft, spongy texture and intense flavor. I have to admit I love the Bundts. Since I discovered them thanks to Bea, who has a wonderful assortment on his blog, and then I bought the mold, I have not stopped them. The fruit I love, are super soft and juicy and taste pure and balanced. Here you can see the two recipes I have posted on the blog.

Each week try to go down to Barcelona to see my parents and I always carry something sweet, chocolate or cake using the occasion. And has almost become a habit and are already looking forward. Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake This went enterito for them.
I loved it and the result is very colorful, fun is the mapping of colors you have, árandandos distributed throughout the cake will bring a colorful and extra juicy as I told them, is delicious.

Finally tell you that we have already published the first challenge of Film & Food! We hope you like it and enjoy the best performing it!

Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake :

2 1 / 2 cups sifted flour.
2 teaspoons of yeast.
1 / 2 teaspoon salt.
1 cup butter at room temperature.
2 cups of sugar.
4 large eggs.
cucharadira 1 vanilla extract.
2 cups blueberries.
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon peel.
1 cup sour cream.
caster sugar to decorate.

Preheat oven to 190 º C.
In a bowl mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Reserve.
Beat butter and sugar in another bowl, with electric mixer at medium speed until light mass. Add eggs, one at each time, stirring constantly. Mix in vanilla extract. Reduce speed and add the flour in 3 times alternately with sour cream in 2 days.
In a small bowl mix the blueberries with lemon rind and a tablespoon of flour.
Greased our Bundt pan, painting it with vegetable oil or spray, and add some mass. Then add 1 / 2 cup blueberries with a wooden spoon mix them well. We return to add more mix and re-incorporate 1 / 2 cup of blueberries. Proceed in this way until you finish the mixture and blueberries. This so the fruit is distributed throughout the Bundt and does not bleach over the cake.
bake on an oven rack, about 60-70 minutes or until you click on the center comes out clean.

let cool in pan 20 minutes flat. In general, the Bundt Cakes have to watch 10 minutes of cool to not break us, but in the case of fruit Bundts built in pieces need an extra 10 minutes and that there are more juicy and a little more to cool.

Sprinkle with a little icing sugar to guto.

As all these types of cakes, it is best eaten with a Sabbath. The flavors are based and is more enjoyable .

Happy Week! Ingrid

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yankee Candle Wax Warmer

my way

First of all I wanted to say that both Alba and I are amazed by the great reception it has had the new project Film & Food! we are more than happy to say that it has been very successful and that we have spent nearly 3 days and 50 cards for members! and over 80 fans! Thank you all for your enthusiasm and loyalty!

Now for a new great project that has born too little and it makes the blog a Cuinera Memòries d' of Judith, Monica and Yves , three bloggers that I recommend you visit it.
This new blog is born with the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting traditional recipes, as always, we have seen our mothers and grandmothers and we want to remember and share with others.

For the first recipe they have chosen a typical dish from the Catalan cuisine, and more specifically the lands of Tarragona and Lleida. Of super thin and crispy dough, is made with roasted peppers and eggplant and that he can add different ingredients such as tuna, sardines, olives, onion and tomato.

My version is simple, and I used good canned piquillo peppers and sausage in the pot of great tasting. The delicious result. A coca super crispy, thin and very tasty.

Recapte Coke:

Ingredients for the dough:

500 gr flour 10 g baking yeast

1 tablespoon olive Lube
2 teaspoons salt
1 glass of water

Ingredients: 250 gr
of canned piquillo peppers
1 sausage cooked and sliced.

Preparing the dough:
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl without the oil. We turn to a work table and knead until you have enough consistencia.La let rest for about three hours to ferment. Add the oil and work a few more minutes. Let stand half an hour.
The stretch to be very very thin and you rectangular.Colocamos we shape on baking paper on a tray.
Place the peppers into strips across the dough and sausage slices.
We water with abundant oil and bake about 15 minutes or until crisp and golden.

Enjoy it. Ingrid

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Film & Food Project Crema Catalana

Remember that in the previous post I talked about an ongoing project? Dawn finally as Le Fabuleux Destin du Chocolat and I are happy and very excited to share with you all. Today
created a new blog that combines two passions we share, Cinema and Gastronomy. Through regular tickets go walking Film cuisine as well as music, decoration, painting and other art expressions related to it.
But we also want what you have a good time with us and so there will be games, puzzles and quizzes will always mensuales.Y prize! fellowship among all who will be a drawing of something symbolic that is relevant to the topic. There will be a points system which will benefit all participants and will accumulate and you can redeem for prizes.

You need more reasons to go running to him?

hope you like our initiative! Ingrid

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dickies Bag In Robinson Singapore

We're back! Be Happy Mother

"Playing is real return anything that does not exist. Play is to be else we are not. Play is live for a moment in an impossible place and own time and distance. Play is make the sun rise at night and the moon in broad daylight, is to empty the sea, is to declare months d everano the coldest of winter months, "Pipo Pescador

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can I Put Paper Baking Cups Into The Oven

Phew, thought it did not publish the recipe. I've been pretty busy few days. I have many things in the head and some ongoing projects that I hope will soon be able to share with you all, and I have not had much time to spend in my kitchen and not for yours, although I miss you all!

But today is day 15 and Els boys Fogons of and Bordeta Chocolata Desfeta we propose in this new challenge Recepta of 15, a typical dish in Catalonia and in particular of March 19, the day of Sant Josep i Father's Day, La Crema Catalana.
At home I just like to me, I sought an easy and small proportions to keep out a lot. The final touch of the sweet it's just because I have no torch or iron burner, but is also terrific.

Crema Catalana Recipe:

250 ml of milk.
14 gr corn flour.
3 egg yolks.
35 gr de azúcar.
Un poco de piel de limón
1 tronquito de canela.


Ponemos la leche en un cazo a fuego lento juntamente con la piel de limón y la canela. Calentamos sin que llegue a hervir.

En un bol batimos ligeramente las yemas de huevo y el azúcar, añadimos la harina de maíz, para que espese un poco e integramos todo completamente.
Añadimos la leche a la mezcla, previamente colada para quitar la piel del limón y  la canela.
Volvemos a poner el resultado a fuego lento, y vamos removiendo hasta thickened.
We put in our tub and let cool.
culminate at the top with caramel and dusted with cinnamon.

Hope you like Ingrid

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brent Everett And Brent Corrigan School Crush

mustard Chicken Gratin Dauphinois

time ago I bought the latest book by Jamie Oliver "Jamie's 30 Minute Meals." I have to say that his book comes out, a book that I buy, I'm super fan of the chef and really do not know what I would like the latter, because when you buy the book online, I had the opportunity through it. But since there might be less, did not disappoint me at all. It is a very complete book, with a variety of menus rapid whole preparation. In just 30 minutes you can have lunch or dinner ready and always well colorful and tasty, as we have come.

The way we have to prepare this gratin is a breeze, as first put everything under the heat and cover with aluminum foil so that the steam given off by the added water, cook faster potatoes, and you only need to bake about 15 minutes to ensure complete gold.

And if you like mustard, you will love this chicken. I made a small change in the original recipe. You have to batter raw chicken in mustard powder, but as I had, what I did was to paint the chicken with mustard, not over, but well on both sides. The result is simply delicious, added spices and white wine carries, brings an extraordinary sweetness and flavor. Strongly recommended.
We can accompany a delicious salad.
The dessert, delicious, I'll put in another entry. I leave you with the name: Affogato.

mustard Chicken Gratin Dauphinois:

gratin Ingredients: 1 red onion
1 kg of raw potatoes.
2 teaspoon nutmeg.
2 cloves of garlic.
225 ml cooking cream.
grated Parmesan cheese.
2 bay leaves.
few fresh thyme leaves.

Ingredients for chicken with mustard:
4x180 gr chicken breast
Dijon mustard. (To paint the breasts)
2 medium red onions. (In the original recipe is made with 3 small leeks)
4 cloves of garlic.
white wine.
75 ml of cream to cook.
grain mustard accompaniment.

Preparation Gratin Dauphinois of:

Peel onions and cut into cubes. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut in very thin sheets.
add onion and potatoes in a saucepan. Reserve.
In a bowl mix the nutmeg, cloves garlic, crushed, cut, and 225 ml of cream líquida.Añadimos a handful of parmesan cheese and a splash of olive Lube.
water the potatoes with this mixture and put it over medium-low. Add 200 ml of boiling water over the chicken casserole with foil. We left about 12-14 minutes, tossing occasionally so it does not hit us. To serve
potatoes in a baking dish and culminated with the spices and another handful of parmesan cheese.
Bake 15 minutes or until golden and crisp on top.
Serve immediately. Preparation

chicken with mustard:

We put a large skillet over medium heat.
spiced chicken breasts and brush with Dijon mustard.
We water with oil and turn to the pan. Cook for about 15 minutes.
Peel the onions into cubes and add to pan,
4 cloves crushed garlic and add to the pan, we water with white wine and let cook.
When we see that the chicken is almost done, add the 75 ml of cream and we cover the pan with aluminum foil and left a few minutes.
Remove from heat and proceed to emplatar.Añadimos few teaspoons of mustard seeds to the chicken.
Serve hot.

I hope you enjoy. Ingrid

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kind Hair Does Lauren London Wear

Cookies and Crêpes

The weekend brings vibrant, color, joy and lots of music with Carnival fills the streets of our cities and towns.
wanted make my contribution to this event with a colorful and fun decorated cookies Carnival masks. The idea I saw in Sweetopia few days ago. It has a spectacular entry masks.
you enjoy this Sunday! Ingrid