Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Long For Temazepam To Kick In

Whole Kitchen Chocolate and Hazelnut Financiers

These little biscuits from France are characterized by incorporating in their ingredients, ground almonds, as the main basis of the mass.

Whole Fresh Kitchen in its proposal for the month of March, invites us to prepare a classic French gastronomy, Financiers.

For the purpose of this month I have chosen a slightly different version of the classic Financier, and I used ground hazelnuts instead of almonds. We also provide an excellent flavor combined with chocolate and chopped hazelnuts on top.

The financiers are usually oval or rectangular and are a typical dessert in France. In fact in any Boulangerie we can find an assortment of them. It is always a delight paseasrse by these bakeries with all its sweet temptations.

Recipe I present is from a French book dedicated to them and other sweet and savory tarts mini. series is Marabout Chef .

Chocolate Hazelnut Financiers:

Ingredients for 12 units:
6 egg whites.
185 gr melted butter.
100 g ground hazelnuts.
240 gr icing sugar.
75 g of flour.
1 tablespoon cocoa powder.
100 g of black chocolate into small pieces.
35 gr of toasted hazelnuts the oven and sliced.


Preheat oven to 200 ยบ C. We prepare our molds oval for 12 financiers.

Beat egg whites lightly with a fork. Add the melted butter, ground hazelnuts, flour, icing sugar and cocoa powder and chopped chocolate. Mix well to incorporate all ingredients.

Sprinkle evenly into each mold of the 12 that we prepared. Add on top of each of the chopped hazelnuts.

Bake about 25 minutes. Let cool completely on wire rack.

Hope you like! Ingrid


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