Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can I Put Paper Baking Cups Into The Oven

Phew, thought it did not publish the recipe. I've been pretty busy few days. I have many things in the head and some ongoing projects that I hope will soon be able to share with you all, and I have not had much time to spend in my kitchen and not for yours, although I miss you all!

But today is day 15 and Els boys Fogons of and Bordeta Chocolata Desfeta we propose in this new challenge Recepta of 15, a typical dish in Catalonia and in particular of March 19, the day of Sant Josep i Father's Day, La Crema Catalana.
At home I just like to me, I sought an easy and small proportions to keep out a lot. The final touch of the sweet it's just because I have no torch or iron burner, but is also terrific.

Crema Catalana Recipe:

250 ml of milk.
14 gr corn flour.
3 egg yolks.
35 gr de azúcar.
Un poco de piel de limón
1 tronquito de canela.


Ponemos la leche en un cazo a fuego lento juntamente con la piel de limón y la canela. Calentamos sin que llegue a hervir.

En un bol batimos ligeramente las yemas de huevo y el azúcar, añadimos la harina de maíz, para que espese un poco e integramos todo completamente.
Añadimos la leche a la mezcla, previamente colada para quitar la piel del limón y  la canela.
Volvemos a poner el resultado a fuego lento, y vamos removiendo hasta thickened.
We put in our tub and let cool.
culminate at the top with caramel and dusted with cinnamon.

Hope you like Ingrid


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