Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lighting Of The Lamp Quotations

The award of My Little Things and chicken with walnuts and honey mustard vinaigrette Strawberry Ice Cream

few days ago the blog superknowledge My Litlle Things , was drawing on his third anniversary of the blog, and I had the good fortune to be the lucky one to win the lottery.
The truth is that I did double illusion, first as a gift from Ivana, whom I admire and your blog is my reference, and second because I never touched anything, I have no luck the game or contest, so as I said, doubly happy.

And we could add a third point of happiness, because I had the opportunity that the gift she gave me in person. This past Saturday, though not very long for the excitement brought on that day, Dawn and I met with Ivan for a while, and we enjoyed his company and the lens of his camera. Thanks for all Ivana!

The rush was because Alba morning and I participated in a photography course dining, where we also agree with other bloggers wonderful flavors like Loretto Color , Sara emancipated kitchen, Ana de Lovefood , Loles of The Coquessa , Nuria de Petita Cuina , and Anna de The Taula d'en Bernat . We have to repeat girls!

Here I show you the little things that gave me
The book Simple Essentials: Chicken by Donna Hay, two tea towels, a notebook and pen, a clip with slate, and a financiers of chocolate and orange and a blueberry and calvados.Todo carquiñolis done for her. They were tremendous!

The book is fabulous, I love Donna Hay, in fact, as I told you in previous post, the strawberry ice cream is in his book Simple Essentials: Fruits, and I have the Simple Essentials: Chocolate, which is already booked for the challenge recipe this month's Film & Food .

chose an easy and rather tasty, which combined with the salad is a dish full well. The mustard and honey with nuts batter on the chicken, bring a very good contrast of flavors.

Chicken with walnuts and honey mustard vinaigrette (Simple Essentials: Chicken by Donna Hay)

Ingredients for chicken:

nuces 1 cup chopped.
400 g of sliced \u200b\u200bchicken breast.
Salt and pepper.
2 tablespoons olive oil
mixed salad leaves.

Ingredients for the vinaigrette:

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons demiel
1 tablespoon white vinegar.

Preparing the vinaigrette:

in a bowl combine the mustard, vinegar and honey. Mezcalmos well. reserve

Chicken Preparation:

well cleaned chicken breasts and threaded into small pieces, as they will cook faster. Season and coated with chopped nuts.

Put a skillet over medium heat with 2 tablespoons of oil. When hot, add the chicken and fry about 3-4 minutes side, while the nuts are toasted too.
To serve the chicken with the salad leaves and watered with honey mustard vinaigrette.

Hope you like! Ingrid

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Emergency Vet Hotline Canada

When I saw the proposal receptivity of 15 boys dels Fogons of and Bordeta Xocolata Desfeta, great smile crossed my face. Strawberries, strawberries, or maduixes, whistle me, is total addiction, a fruit so delicious, sweet, versatile, beautiful and spectacular color. I believe that the duration of the period, the daily consumption, especially alone with nothing. Although I also love a good accompaniment to cream, I melt just thinking about it.

This time I really wanted to try the ice cream. Although my first experience with vanilla ice cream with macadamia nuts had a delicious result, I was encouraged to prepare again, perhaps because they do not have a refrigerator, the process is quite long and could not find the right time. I have a book

exquisite Donna Hay devoted entirely to the fruit and looking for recipes appeared before me this ice cream, which I called out loud. So this weekend I decided to prepare.

Strawberry Ice Cream (Simple Essentials Fruit by Donna Hay)

1 kg of strawberries, crushed, pureed and strained.
110 gr of caster sugar (this is a very fine sugar. If you do not find what you can do with normal sugar)
250 ml of milk.
500 ml of cream.
6 egg yolks.
150 g extra caster sugar.


We put the strawberry puree and sugar in a saucepan over low heat until sugar is melted. We climbed over medium heat and wait until boiling, stirring occasionally, about 10-12 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool.

Heat the milk and cream in another saucepan over medium heat until hot, without allowing it to boil. Remove from heat. Reserve.

We place the egg yolks and extra sugar in a bowl and beat well until everything is integrated and get a lighter shade. Little by little we are incorporating the mixture of milk and cream to the mixture of egg whites and sugar, stirring while in the process.

we put in a bowl the final mix and let simmer about 4 minutes to heat until it becomes a bit of consistency and create foam on top. Let cool.

Here comes the freezing process (If you have a refrigerator, follow the instructions on the machine from this point, I have not, so I did it with the traditional method)

Put the mixture in a container and left it in the freezer about 2 hours. Remove from the freezer and stir well to remove the crystals can be formed. Repeat the process a couple more times at intervals of 2 hours.

pass this time, we incorporated the strawberry puree and whisk well to make it well mixed. Approximately 2 minutes. Leaving

in the freezer until you go to eat.

Hope you like!

Happy week Ingrid

Friday, May 13, 2011

When To Call A Doctor After Giving Birth

Today only a photographic details

Today there is no recipe, only a small composicones photo I've done with my roses in the garden. I have completely fascinated, each year more and more and I love photography. I have like 2 entire albums only from this rose. When you see the last picture you will understand why.

these treasures I have left here:

May 2011 Pierre de Ronsard.

Happy weekend! Ingrid

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How Long Is The Shoe Size J10?


Between October and November 2010 we had the opportunity to perform three programs Biota Integra, which received about 45 children and youth with disabilities. We again with the valuable participation of Adventure Tourism students Duoc Alonso Ovalle and this year also made a program with students Ecotourism Duoc San Carlos de Apoquindo.

Can You Open Up An Adderall Capsule

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bong Stores In The Us

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

Italy .... We have love, we love to make a getaway even a weekend, and get lost in their cities.
Rome, a majestic city, full of beautiful places in which to enjoy its monuments, its parks, plazas and landscapes.
Venice, a city with a touch so special. Wander through its narrow, winding streets is a must, you can not miss the vaporetto ride and visit the Lido, Burano (for my taste most unusual and beautiful Murano) and Torcello, could not be more exquisite.
Florence, Milan, Mogliano or Bergamo are other cities that have had the pleasure to visit and enjoy and each with its particular charm, make them very interesting and beautiful.
Tuscany is one of our outstanding travel, which we really wanted to do and I did not take long, so if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to envy me, I'll take good note

So when Alba and Jordi Cuina The workshop, some guys have a great cooking blog, and they are also super travelers, we proposed a challenge by combining these two passions to celebrate its second anniversary of the blog, and is called the Recepta Viatgera I did not hesitate a moment to know what to cook.

I leave you with this simple recipe, colorful, and I used a spaghetti with orange, without being charged too much and well tasty.

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio


200 grams of spaghetti
1 clove garlic, minced
Oil Oliva
spicy herbs, pepper seeds cayenne, basil, salt


Ponermos a saucepan with water over high heat until boiling. When al dente and add the salt we add the pasta. Cook for the minutes indicated on the packaging.

Strain pasta. reserve

In saucepan over low heat, put 2 tablespoons oil and add the minced garlic clove. Leave 1-2 minutes and then add the pasta. Stir well and add another tablespoon of oil. Culminated with spicy herbs to taste, mix well, and Emplate.
In the top add a little parmesan cheese to add flavor. Serve.

I hope you enjoy
Happy weekend! Ingrid

Monday, May 2, 2011

Army Counseling Drunk On Duty Examples

Cheesecake Nilla cookies

I have to admit that having the store online has become a constant temptation at home. All these products are screaming for me, they so firmly on their shelves and looking every day, waiting and waiting for someone to give them a good use, who can resist. I do not, of course. And as a consumer good cook hardened and relentless, I can not help, I have to try.

never had the pleasure of trying these cookies, but the fame he already knew were tremendous. Now I can say that they are delicious. Solas is a vice, to start and not stop, and is a great danger because they are tiny and there are almost 350 grams in the package.
So I thought about making a dessert with them better players and combine them with a cheesecake (My favorite dessert no doubt). The result is great!

This dessert is made in a moment, because the cheesecake recipe you do not need refrigerated oven and only enough is enough. There are three layers of cookies combined with the cheesecake. This idea of \u200b\u200bdessert you can do with the cookies you want, oreos, soba, the result will be equally good. I finished at the top with a layer of chocolate ganache and cookies to make it more attractive.

Cheesecake Nilla cookies


300 g Philadelphia cream cheese type
60 gr icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 / 2 teaspoon lemon juice
250 ml of whipped cream.
50 Nilla Wafers cookies

ganache Ingredients:

250 g black chocolate desserts special
80 ml of cream.

Preparation Chocolate ganache:

Heat in the microwave the cream, about 2 minutes.
We took the bowl cream and add the chopped chocolate. We stir until melted chocolate and cream is a smooth liquid.
cover with plastic wrap, if the paper is in contact with the mixture. We leave in the refrigerator at least 3 hours. We can do the day before. It is even better.

Cheesecake Preparation:

In a bowl whisk the cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla essence and lemon juice with electric mixer until smooth and creamy.

light whipped cream and incorporate it in mix cream cheese and mix it with a spatula gently.
prepare a rectangular mold, would make the typical bread, metallic, but you can do with anybody. Grease the base with oil and covered with plastic wrap.

We place a cookie layer upside down (then we will give back to the whole cake)
we added a layer of creamed mixture. We put up another layer of crackers, some cookies are about 15 per coat. Add another layer of cream mixture and ended up with a layer of crackers. Always face down.

We made the refrigerator about 3 hours.

After that, we get the cheesecake from the refrigerator and must be hardened enough. And stretch the plastic wrap up to make the cake.
Put a plate on the top and we'll turn around, 180 degrees to the left on top. We took the plastic wrap.

We took the ganache from the refrigerator, and we beat with a whisk to break the hardness and consistency that has been obtained.

With a spatula we spread a good layer of ganache on top of cheesecake, even a little on the sides to combine with cream cheese, and to give this contrast of color that looks nice.

conclude with a final layer of Nilla cookies to decorate.

We leave in the refrigerator until ready to drink. 3 days is perfectly preserved, or refrigerate.

Hope you enjoy! Ingrid