Friday, May 6, 2011

Bong Stores In The Us

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

Italy .... We have love, we love to make a getaway even a weekend, and get lost in their cities.
Rome, a majestic city, full of beautiful places in which to enjoy its monuments, its parks, plazas and landscapes.
Venice, a city with a touch so special. Wander through its narrow, winding streets is a must, you can not miss the vaporetto ride and visit the Lido, Burano (for my taste most unusual and beautiful Murano) and Torcello, could not be more exquisite.
Florence, Milan, Mogliano or Bergamo are other cities that have had the pleasure to visit and enjoy and each with its particular charm, make them very interesting and beautiful.
Tuscany is one of our outstanding travel, which we really wanted to do and I did not take long, so if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to envy me, I'll take good note

So when Alba and Jordi Cuina The workshop, some guys have a great cooking blog, and they are also super travelers, we proposed a challenge by combining these two passions to celebrate its second anniversary of the blog, and is called the Recepta Viatgera I did not hesitate a moment to know what to cook.

I leave you with this simple recipe, colorful, and I used a spaghetti with orange, without being charged too much and well tasty.

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio


200 grams of spaghetti
1 clove garlic, minced
Oil Oliva
spicy herbs, pepper seeds cayenne, basil, salt


Ponermos a saucepan with water over high heat until boiling. When al dente and add the salt we add the pasta. Cook for the minutes indicated on the packaging.

Strain pasta. reserve

In saucepan over low heat, put 2 tablespoons oil and add the minced garlic clove. Leave 1-2 minutes and then add the pasta. Stir well and add another tablespoon of oil. Culminated with spicy herbs to taste, mix well, and Emplate.
In the top add a little parmesan cheese to add flavor. Serve.

I hope you enjoy
Happy weekend! Ingrid


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