Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lighting Of The Lamp Quotations

The award of My Little Things and chicken with walnuts and honey mustard vinaigrette Strawberry Ice Cream

few days ago the blog superknowledge My Litlle Things , was drawing on his third anniversary of the blog, and I had the good fortune to be the lucky one to win the lottery.
The truth is that I did double illusion, first as a gift from Ivana, whom I admire and your blog is my reference, and second because I never touched anything, I have no luck the game or contest, so as I said, doubly happy.

And we could add a third point of happiness, because I had the opportunity that the gift she gave me in person. This past Saturday, though not very long for the excitement brought on that day, Dawn and I met with Ivan for a while, and we enjoyed his company and the lens of his camera. Thanks for all Ivana!

The rush was because Alba morning and I participated in a photography course dining, where we also agree with other bloggers wonderful flavors like Loretto Color , Sara emancipated kitchen, Ana de Lovefood , Loles of The Coquessa , Nuria de Petita Cuina , and Anna de The Taula d'en Bernat . We have to repeat girls!

Here I show you the little things that gave me
The book Simple Essentials: Chicken by Donna Hay, two tea towels, a notebook and pen, a clip with slate, and a financiers of chocolate and orange and a blueberry and calvados.Todo carquiñolis done for her. They were tremendous!

The book is fabulous, I love Donna Hay, in fact, as I told you in previous post, the strawberry ice cream is in his book Simple Essentials: Fruits, and I have the Simple Essentials: Chocolate, which is already booked for the challenge recipe this month's Film & Food .

chose an easy and rather tasty, which combined with the salad is a dish full well. The mustard and honey with nuts batter on the chicken, bring a very good contrast of flavors.

Chicken with walnuts and honey mustard vinaigrette (Simple Essentials: Chicken by Donna Hay)

Ingredients for chicken:

nuces 1 cup chopped.
400 g of sliced \u200b\u200bchicken breast.
Salt and pepper.
2 tablespoons olive oil
mixed salad leaves.

Ingredients for the vinaigrette:

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons demiel
1 tablespoon white vinegar.

Preparing the vinaigrette:

in a bowl combine the mustard, vinegar and honey. Mezcalmos well. reserve

Chicken Preparation:

well cleaned chicken breasts and threaded into small pieces, as they will cook faster. Season and coated with chopped nuts.

Put a skillet over medium heat with 2 tablespoons of oil. When hot, add the chicken and fry about 3-4 minutes side, while the nuts are toasted too.
To serve the chicken with the salad leaves and watered with honey mustard vinaigrette.

Hope you like! Ingrid


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