Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Constructing Grey Water Reedbeds


Some people dream of
rivers that lead to El Dorado
there who dream
sources of Eternal Youth
Some people dream of the Golden Calf

idolized and who dreams of Alchemy
make vice a virtue ...

But I do not pretend
strengths or fortune, only
dream a dream ...
among a sea of \u200b\u200bsunflowers
seek a Giraluna
to ensure every night and unveiled

the other side of the moon ...
turn, turn Giraluna,
turn, turn, turn, moon
turn, turn and look at me ...

Some people dream of thunder
Pandora box
there who dream of redeeming
ray Holy Grail
Some Olympus
dreams where no evil of Aurora
android who dreams beyond Good and Evil

Some people dream of
touch the hand of King Midas
there who dream of the philosopher's stone of power

Some people dream with cross
against infidels in dens
And who dreams of sand in Mecca celestial

Let me see the light beam rotates Giraluna
tour, tour tour tour
, family
the face of your cross.

(This is a beautiful song by Luis Eduardo Aute)

With children hear the story "Giraluna" and work through the first week in the history of this wonderful flower.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Launch Options In Css 2010

What is to be proactive? Beautiful Dream

Be a proactive means taking initiative, allowing creative ideas to raise without fear of expressing various views and proposals. Involves daring to express propositions and ways of seeing the world, work couple relationships and parenting.
But having a proactive means to take charge and responsible for the consequences of our actions bring.
proactive people in general do not expect the time for their proposals, any time is right to show some idea.
Basically these people have overcome the social inhibition, and thus allow themselves to be daring, different, creative and groundbreaking schemes propositional
In the workplace always proactive person uses their ideas for the system or organization can get better.
On the emotional level will express their feelings to the people you'd like, without haste, in the correct minute.
We must always allow freedom of expression and creation.

.... Diana

Vicktor Frank (Jewish Psychiatrist)
Speak proactivity as the freedom to choose our attitude towards our own life circumstances "

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Max Sd Car Kodak Dx4530

.... I once had a dream, those dreams that lead to heart desires and dreams .... I dreamed that in the vastness of the sky, was a star, was the brightest, the most beautiful. That star, I lit, flickered making my nights, the sweetest thing I remember.

One day, that dream came true ... There was that wonderful star in the sky waiting to carefully down to earth and illuminate not only my night, but my days. I hope that star a long time, maybe it was a lot, but here ...

God told the star, - "I will transform into an angel, with wings whiter than I have, you go flying to the earth in search of all men and women who live there, a family ... the you want ... I give you the freedom to choose what you like and stay to live with it. Bring them my blessings and have them the happiest people on earth ...".-

Thus, as came from the sky, with that God send, and you inside my belly. It was a summer and I knew something was wrong, that my life would not be the same, I had to be alert to receive this shipment of God. From that time began to grow within my heart a happiness that I could not describe with certainty, it is strange, because I spent nine months of my life with an unforgettable smile, they say that happiness is momentary, but I do not think so, because ever since I discovered how beautiful life is, and how important it is to love, unconditionally, unequivocally, without fear, without shame.

You grew in my belly, it is likely that I have grown more (in any order of things), I felt free, yet always knew that you brought me blessings of heaven, I knew that from there, you chose me to be your mom ....¿ how curious?, sometimes I do not think deserve much, but if it was your choice. Today I feel it was wonderful, because I thought it was me who took the decision to become a mother and was prepared for that, but God showed me otherwise, it was you who chose me to be your mom ...

Today I am a princess, the kind of stories we read at night, living in the most beautiful palace with a prince to his side and a princess who flits by the palace spreading these blessings God gave you to bring that into my life. Your hugs, your kisses, your antics, the way we communicate only with their eyes tell us everything. Here in our world is no need for words.

Women Today I feel ..... I'm sorry mom .... I'm happy ... because my wishes all came true with your arrival.

daughter I love you ... you're the best thing that has happened in my life.

A loving kiss, your mother, Alejandra A.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Black Nfl Players With White Women

New friends

Dear Readers de esta pequeña casita. Les quiero contar que a partir de hoy, tenemos nuevos colaboradores para nuestro blog. Dos personas maravillosas me han regalo sus letras para compartirlas con ustedes. Yo estoy feliz, me encanta compartir y creo que esta es una bella Oportunidad para hacerlo.
Estoy tremendamente agradecida de que nos entreguen parte de su tiempo a nuestro blog, Y Bienvenidos!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mobile Alabama Gay Personal


cordially invited to support Tags:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dangers Of Microwave Unsafe Bowl


Hoy, estaba sentada en una de sus sillas pequeñitas. Estábamos en un tiempo libre para juegos de encaje. Todos se sientan, observan, juegan, conversan, se ríen. Me miran, piden mi opinión, a veces mi ayuda, se acercan. M.S. Me dice cada 5 segundos "Te amo". F.R.. quiere pipí insistently, BF And the water runs out (always thirsty) GG and her beautiful mandalas painted purple and pink, so pretty like her. He
.... the laaaaaaaaargas big eyes and eyelashes, her eyes as deep as a restless sea. I stare and I can not connect, look at me sometimes and only sometimes as if I were here. It takes hands, scratches his head, sitting, standing, smiling, but not me. Sometimes I think, in that enchanted fairy trapped there this handsome prince. They wanted to hear him say that he is happy, because I'm sure it is, with that smile, or when we dance (I love rock.)
Look out the window, like the sun and wind when it comes to your face. It has a nice and beautiful face, and says Achis! but do not feel like sneezing, if it falls some say Oh, if you want to kiss on his face as much as possible, but without looking.
already served four years old and we are together since they have one, when we did not know the depth of his eyes, when we thought everything was fine when I played like all children, and looked at us and smiled.
Just today, I'm with sensitivity to the surface, though many things have happened to me, I felt close, more than once has come when I feel great.
When I lose on the opportunity to hug and to have it so near. And I do not want to lose the opportunity to dedicate this text to him, but his mother, because this is not easy. I admire deeply, because life takes many tests, but this, despite how difficult it is wonderful.
eyes always express things, he expresses and lives through them, watch it, watch it, watch it ....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Universal Remote Star Choice

Many Women

When we are parents, many people approach us with advice on how loving and selfless care for and educate our children, and when they are young do not take much in arms because they spoiled, if you let them cry alone, never sleep with their parents, who do everything themselves to be more independent, which do not use pacifiers, or statutes, etc. Nature is very wise, and sometimes forget that we are part of it, what our children need is "skin", kisses, hugs, regaloneos several, that there are no limits, it is our duty to do what we as parents born.
No matter when you leave the pacifier or sucking or sleeping between her parents, no matter how many times we have to cradle in our arms, or that every night we have to sit back with them and tell a beautiful story. Parents are allowed to love us unconditionally. Rationality sometimes drives us, but when it comes to children we must try to lead the heart. Let's challenge them both and leave space to say "I love you" many veces sea necesario. Ellos son y serán de piel mientras nosotros, los padres, hacemos bien ese trabajo. Ayudemos a nuestros hijos a sentir, a saber desde pequeños lo que es el amor.
Está claro que todos cometemos errores, día a día. Muchas veces nos dejamos llevar más por lo que sabemos que por lo que sentimos, no olvidemos que los pequeños tienen una luz que ilumina, no dejemos que se apague.
Amar no tiene condiciones mas que sentir libremente. Eduquemos con paz, tranquilidad y mucha paciencia, recordemos siempre que son niños, nuestros niños.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Marinecorp Wrestling Singlet

Ayer mi hija se puso una pequeña corona en su pelito y la observé por largo rato (siempre la veo so beautiful) And then she says "I want to be like the princess Bachelet." Beyond a political issue and even physical, I realized that his thinking was on the force, which shows when a woman directs, organizes, creates, protects.
all know how happy I was during my pregnancy knowing the sex of my child, why?, Sometimes I have not very clear, but it is almost out of conviction. Why are we stronger?, Why do we overcome? Why do we value? Why we love without measure?.
Once a companion of my daughter, I told the girls that were about crying and that they "Men" were strong. The teacher rightly coupled to all children and girls and told them "He has great physical strength, much more than women, but we women have an inner strength second to none, we are able to have children in our bellies, and their own mothers, and do for you, our children , whatever it takes to make them happy, that transcends any physical force "
As I learned days later, the children were surprised and went home wondering, how bad were their mothers (my daughter did ask me). Beyond
motherhood, which is powerful in itself, being a woman has an intensity almost impossible to match, as few things as the fineness and strength, the delicacy and power can be together. and women can do many things that men do not stop being so feminine and flirty.
I like being a woman, I like clothes, perfumes, colors. And even say what you really like pink, purple tones, roses in the hands of a man, chocolates and beautiful words. I have never believed much in feminism. Yes! to be a woman with all the dignity we deserve, but not enforce our rights we must neglect everything that makes us human women. Emotion, intuition, beauty, reconciliation. Anyway I think the most important gift we were given was to give life. because although it's almost from another world (Taking off human being in your belly and feed you) see it grow, feel love, see you dance like me who thinks like me, who talks like me, that's priceless, I wonder if all women would be best to belong to genre, in fact I do not know if he would repeat the experience. But having it with me and be Females (as a friend once described me) is the best thing that has happened, and by that I recognize the value of many women I love in my life. My mother, my sister, my great friends, friends of the soul, aunts of the garden, the wonderful mothers in the garden and beautiful daughters. And of course .. my friends blog, especially for you Ale ...
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pokemon Emerald Hacked

Skin What is an earthquake? Welcome

and to play a week from the great movement that stirred our land, we know that many things happened, things ugly, things terribly painful, but I tell you my experience, about not knowing that it is an earthquake.
I remember that the previous strong movement was 9 years I lived and did not understand until later what had happened.
This time my daughter was six years did not understand anything. as we moved from side to side with the house, she asks Mom what's going on ?.... An earthquake, "What is an earthquake?.
found that for the comfort of my daughter and very different women in my family, I am not afraid. I was quiet all the time, talking to her, and between the two speak to God to end soon. I am amazed every day with things that I face as a mother.
Every day with her desire every day to teach my little new things that she will live. I hope all the children of our country have to ask, and a family in which refuge. the Family protection is one of the most important things.