Sunday, March 7, 2010

Marinecorp Wrestling Singlet

Ayer mi hija se puso una pequeña corona en su pelito y la observé por largo rato (siempre la veo so beautiful) And then she says "I want to be like the princess Bachelet." Beyond a political issue and even physical, I realized that his thinking was on the force, which shows when a woman directs, organizes, creates, protects.
all know how happy I was during my pregnancy knowing the sex of my child, why?, Sometimes I have not very clear, but it is almost out of conviction. Why are we stronger?, Why do we overcome? Why do we value? Why we love without measure?.
Once a companion of my daughter, I told the girls that were about crying and that they "Men" were strong. The teacher rightly coupled to all children and girls and told them "He has great physical strength, much more than women, but we women have an inner strength second to none, we are able to have children in our bellies, and their own mothers, and do for you, our children , whatever it takes to make them happy, that transcends any physical force "
As I learned days later, the children were surprised and went home wondering, how bad were their mothers (my daughter did ask me). Beyond
motherhood, which is powerful in itself, being a woman has an intensity almost impossible to match, as few things as the fineness and strength, the delicacy and power can be together. and women can do many things that men do not stop being so feminine and flirty.
I like being a woman, I like clothes, perfumes, colors. And even say what you really like pink, purple tones, roses in the hands of a man, chocolates and beautiful words. I have never believed much in feminism. Yes! to be a woman with all the dignity we deserve, but not enforce our rights we must neglect everything that makes us human women. Emotion, intuition, beauty, reconciliation. Anyway I think the most important gift we were given was to give life. because although it's almost from another world (Taking off human being in your belly and feed you) see it grow, feel love, see you dance like me who thinks like me, who talks like me, that's priceless, I wonder if all women would be best to belong to genre, in fact I do not know if he would repeat the experience. But having it with me and be Females (as a friend once described me) is the best thing that has happened, and by that I recognize the value of many women I love in my life. My mother, my sister, my great friends, friends of the soul, aunts of the garden, the wonderful mothers in the garden and beautiful daughters. And of course .. my friends blog, especially for you Ale ...
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