Sunday, March 14, 2010

Universal Remote Star Choice

Many Women

When we are parents, many people approach us with advice on how loving and selfless care for and educate our children, and when they are young do not take much in arms because they spoiled, if you let them cry alone, never sleep with their parents, who do everything themselves to be more independent, which do not use pacifiers, or statutes, etc. Nature is very wise, and sometimes forget that we are part of it, what our children need is "skin", kisses, hugs, regaloneos several, that there are no limits, it is our duty to do what we as parents born.
No matter when you leave the pacifier or sucking or sleeping between her parents, no matter how many times we have to cradle in our arms, or that every night we have to sit back with them and tell a beautiful story. Parents are allowed to love us unconditionally. Rationality sometimes drives us, but when it comes to children we must try to lead the heart. Let's challenge them both and leave space to say "I love you" many veces sea necesario. Ellos son y serán de piel mientras nosotros, los padres, hacemos bien ese trabajo. Ayudemos a nuestros hijos a sentir, a saber desde pequeños lo que es el amor.
Está claro que todos cometemos errores, día a día. Muchas veces nos dejamos llevar más por lo que sabemos que por lo que sentimos, no olvidemos que los pequeños tienen una luz que ilumina, no dejemos que se apague.
Amar no tiene condiciones mas que sentir libremente. Eduquemos con paz, tranquilidad y mucha paciencia, recordemos siempre que son niños, nuestros niños.


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