Thursday, April 28, 2011

Best Paper Towel Brand

Film & Food Challenge in April and Julia Child Brioche

Oh, that desire had to come today, 29th of April, a great day waited for me and Alba, and I hope for all who wanted to participate with us on this first challenge that we proposed in Film & Food. Cooking a recipe from Julia Child. The challenge we proposed to speak through the film Julie & Julia. For those of you perdistes this magnificent and complete post, here are the link .

And now we turn to the recipe.

When I saw the proposals that we made to our challenge haviáis staff made me special pleasure to prepare the buns, thanks to all the propustistéis!!
The brioche I've always loved a sweet bread, sweet and super combined with everything.

But I like especially because it brings back many childhood memories Above the snacks as a child and celebrating the birthday of the cronyism of cole. We'd all home of the host (then, there was chiquiparks and similar sites, at best, sometimes we'd go to McDonalds) and mom brought us this huge tray with croissants stuffed with ham and cheese, spicy sausage, and sausage different always spread with a layer of butter ..... And rich they were.
Then you get older and do not know why is one of the things I've been eating nothing. So I really wanted to prepare and bake a few, well and good home and give me a good deayuno of these muffins with butter and jam and if it boasts a whim in the afternoon.

Brioches Julia Child:

Ingredients for the sponge:

85 ml of warm milk
1 envelope dry yeast bread
360 grams of bread flour (180gr and 180 gr)

Ingredients Brioche:

170 gr butter at room temperature
200 grams of flour
4 eggs 100 g sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt.


In a bowl put the milk with yeast and egg. Stir well to dissolve the yeast.

If we the dough with the bread , add the contents of the bowl into the baking tray, and add 180 gr of flour and knead for five minutes. Add the remaining 180 grams of flour and let that 's just about 30-45 minutes until we see that the mass increases in volume and sibrasale by the upper layer of flour.

Add the sugar, beaten eggs, salt and 200 grams of flour and knead about 15 minutes. If we see quedadndo dough is too sticky, add a little more flour.
After these 15 minutes proceed to add the butter cut into small cubes. We'll adding, while kneading, one by one until they are well integrated into the dough. not add the following until well blended above.
Grease a bowl with oil and turn our dough on it. Cover with plastic wrap and let weigh about 2 hours or until they rise to twice its size.

If we make the dough by hand , add the contents of small bowl with the milk in another bowl and add more than 180 grams of bread flour, knead about 5 minutes. After this time, add the remaining 180 grams of flour and let stand 30-45 minutes.

Add the sugar, beaten eggs, salt and 200 grams of flour. Stir well, and passed the mixture to a floured work sueprfice. Knead well until all ingredients are incorporated, about 15 minutes. If we see that the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. After a few minutes I proceed to add the butter cut into small cubes. Add piece by piece and amasmos well until well incorporated into the dough. We continue to incorporate all the butter.
Grease a bowl with oil and turn our dough on it. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest about 2 hours or until double its original size

After this time, we remove the dough from bowl and give it the desired shape, buns, braids, or whatever you want and place them on a baking sheet. We left about 15 minutes resting. Paint the top with beaten egg and bake about 10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

I hope you like! Ingrid

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Long Do You Serve Before You Can Retire?

Tortilla Cod and Sweepstakes Winner! Bavarois

Well, this week is still intense in terms of input referred you? I think this rate had not been published ever since I opened the blog.
But happy to keep up with everything and get there in time to publish the entry Cod this month we proposed girls Memòries d'una Cuinera.

This month it was quite complicated with the proposal, they know it, why do not I like the cod, and I love fish more than meat, but I have no great fondness for him.
But all I wanted all my small contribution to I went to investigate a simple recipe and above individual, because if I do not like much, Marc even close.
The tortilla
I present to find the perfect recipe to incorporate the Cod.
Smooth, with a combination of leeks and onions, tortillas make this a good choice to eat this fish. Really delicious.

Salt Cod Tortilla:


200 g of desalted cod fillets
3 eggs 2 medium onions
1 large leek
2 tablespoons olive oil


desalted cod fillets in a pan with an ounce of milk. Heat and remove from heat when it starts to boil. Let stand until the milk to warm.

Cut the onions and leeks and sauté finite commodity in a pan with a little oil over medium heat until well poached.

In a bowl beat the eggs and add the cod pieces, onions and leeks.
Grease a pan, not too big if you want it is a bit thick, and add the egg mixture.
Boil over high heat until it begins to set and went down to medium heat. we turn with the help of a plate and cook the other side until it is golden brown.

We have a winner of the Draw batch of My Lovely Food Shop.

Congratulations Carmen! Hope you enjoy!

Kit consisting
by: Marshmallow cream, cake leveler, natural aroma of strawberry, cookie cutter basket of chocolate Valrhona Grand Cru Manjari, white glitter, fondant licorice.

todods Thank you for participating! Ingrid

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Does Teeth Gel Expire

Vanilla and chocolate tears

sweet Wholekitchen in its proposal for the month of April, invites us to prepare Bavarois

This month, the option we propose is Wholekitchen girls dessert very basic and very easy to do. There are many versions leaboradas much as we have seen throughout the day, but this time I opted for the simplest version of all. Although I gave the finishing touch on the top with these tears of chocolate as good I'm loving it.

Bavarois Vanilla:


685 ml of milk.
1 vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
6 egg yolks
160 gr sugar
3 teaspoons powdered gelatine
185 ml of cream
120 g of black chocolate to melt.


Heat some milk, vanilla bean and cinnamon stick, not allowing it to boil. Remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes. We take the vanilla pod and cinnamon stick.

Whisk egg yolks and sugar until mixture is thick and clear. Gradually add milk while to beat. We had everything to a clean large saucepan and stir constantly over low heat until mixture thickens. Do not let boil. Cover surface with plastic wrap to prevent the formation of a layer.

Put 2 tablespoons of water in a heatproof bowl, sprinkle gelatin over into an even layer and let it acquire a spongy appearance.

Boil water in a large saucepan. , Remove from heat and carefully sumergimnos saucepan with the gelatin in boiling water (covering half) and stir until dissolved. Add cream and beat. We cover and let cool.

Whip the cream and mix it with cold cream. The colocomos in the desired mold and leave in refrigerator overnight.

next day.
Back out in the microwave the chocolate and let cool a minute. Extend or make the desired shapes on the top of the Bavarois i let cool completely.

Hope you enjoy! Ingrid

Sunday, April 24, 2011 /recipes

Strawberry Cupcake Baskets

I had not published one cupcakes, and what I like to make, decorate and of course, eat and enjoy every bite.
The decoration of these baskets of strawberries comes from the wonderful bedtime reading Martha Stewart's Cupcakes . Some time ago I had post-iteados the red, as urgent, but I wanted them in times of strawberries.

For the base of the cupcake recipe I used the Strawberry and cream that I published this post in .
For frosting decoration on this occasion I used buttercream with a touch of strawberry flavor and strawberries and leaves on the top I made with marzipan.

did not want to end this post without giving you a million thanks for all the comments received in the previous post! For the show of affection and love that I personally have been sent. I am very pleased and happy to share it with you, as My Lovely Food Shop born with great enthusiasm and an overwhelming desire!

I leave you with the recipe:

Basket Strawberry Cupcakes

Ingredients and recipe for the basis of the cupcakes:

buttercream Ingredients:

vegetable butter 185 gr
1 tablespoon flavoring Strawberry
2 tablespoons water
400 gr icing sugar
1 tablespoon meringue powder

Ingredients for strawberries and leaves:

Marzipan , ready to use natural and dyed red and green leaf
colored marzipan ready to use

Buttercream Preparation:

Put the butter, the aroma and water in a bowl. Beat with electric mixer until creamy mass. Add dry ingredients and beat to velocifdad half until well blended.

If the texture is too hard and consistent, we add water droplets to make it soft and manageable.

proceed to decorate the cupcakes:
First we cover the cupcake with a layer of buttercream to make it completely smooth

place our cream into a piping bag with a special nozzle num 47, Wilton. and make long strips of right-left position to
to repeat the process, but this time make small reasons passing over each strip and made, and make them unequal to recreate the design of the strands of the basket.

Hope you like
Happy Week! Ingrid

Monday, April 18, 2011

Naruto 4 Tailed Naruto Sprite Sheet

My Lovely Food Shop and Sweepstakes!

Since the beginning of my passion for cooking, I have never ceased to seek, investigate, learn and try new things. Before I have my own blog a long time enjoying the wonderful and original recipes of many blogs that I admire and who have taught me as much or more than you know. I've always liked to know the things I talk or practice, so that little by little I have been imbued with so much information that I did not think he was capable. You discover that when you love something, you never have enough, always want more.

In my case, living in a village, I have always had many shortcomings to what specific ingredients are concerned. Many times I wanted to bring a special recipe from a book or a blogger friend, but I always ran into the same problem where I find '. " Thanks to the Internet each day is easier to get anything from almost anywhere in the world. So looking where to find the products and accessories was born an idea that has come true today.

My Lovely Food Shop born with the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing this passion for good and special and make you search for certain products a little easier. In the shop you will find a selection of specialty and gourmet products that I hope will be to your liking and interest.

To celebrate the opening of My Lovely Food Shop , as we can not organize a pica pica and meet everyone, I will make a lot a lot of products on the web!
To participate you just have to leave a comment on this post and ready!
Since I know that on Thursday and start the holidays, have time until Tuesday April 26, the day ending the contest and announce the winner Wednesday 27.

wanted to thank all who have encouraged and supported me in these projects, all who follow me, who always you have nice words to me, and all signs of affection and love you have shown. Long ago that I was not in cahoots with so many people. You are amazing. Thanks!

Tell them I will gradually introduce new products, hopefully tomorrow I'll have active credit card payment for the time disponéis Paypal and bank transfer in a few days and also the hope contrarreembolso.Y comenteis me, me ask me and I propongáis all you want. If you need a special product that is not on the web, do not hesitate to tell me and I will help you find it.
I hope you enjoy
My Lovely Food Shop! Ingrid

Friday, April 15, 2011

Condor Air Rifle For Sale

beans and strawberry salad with honey vinaigrette Bacon Cake

Months go by so fast that without realizing it, we've planted at Easter. There is only one short week so we can enjoy days of relaxation. Some lucky and start tomorrow, others will have to wait until Friday to disconnect from work, daily stress and to enjoy the days that are becoming shorter, with so many things we do not stop for a minute. Like to sit, with nothing more than a good book in your hands and forget for a good time, things that are pending.
Or just spend the whole morning or afternoon in the kitchen making some good treats for the palate.

All this talk, to say that now we are back to day 15 and this means that Xocolata Desfeta and Els Fogons of Bordeta , we propose a new challenge Recepta 15. This month: beans.

I have to, they know that I am not a big fan of beans. In stews do not usually eat them ever, but she did not want to stop participating in its proposal, a must for me and pleasure and excitement, I started researching the net, to see if there was a recipe that suited my needs.

It turns out that close, in Mercè Blog Cuina per Llaminers , I found this tasty salad with habitats. Besides incorporating the strawberries, which gives an exquisite contrast, both visually and in flavor. And small pieces of goat cheese and make it irresistible. I made a few changes since it did not have all the ingredients, but luck is a very versatile dish.
The dressing was a honey vinaigrette that gives it a touch sweet for my taste is great.
A real salad full of contrasts.

beans and strawberries Salad (market: Cuina per Llaminers)

150 g peeled beans baby spinach
oak leaf lettuce
goat cheese
A handful of nuts

balsamic vinegar reduction
Salt 2 tablespoons of honey.


Put a pan of boiling water.
When the water boils add salt and baby broad beans. Leaving
medium heat about 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool in the water so they do not crease.

To serve with a layer of spinach, oak leaf salad and arugula. At the top add the habitats, with a small piece of goat cheese and sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries. We finish with a handful of nuts.

Mix olive oil, reduced balsamic vinegar, salt and two tablespoons of honey. Stir well, and we water our salad with it.

Hope you like
Happy Weekend! Ingrid

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Michael Jackson Ignores The Paparazzi

Emmental cheese

This weekend has been great as far as temperatures are concerned. We have been enjoying the sun, so appealing and desirable warm weather, the outdoors, take the opportunity to take walks, hiking, going to the beach and some even dared enjoy the sea.

for us has been intense, filled with family gatherings and friends birthday earrings, with the pace of life we \u200b\u200blead, we accumulate and then suddenly come and spend eating all day. As
not have much time and the desserts were covered, I prepared these cakes savory Bacon and cheese that are made at a time and the result is very good. I went 3 and one cortadito stayed home and everything.
fluffy and soft crumb are ideal for an aperitif or to accompany a salad or anything else. The original version was in muffin form, but this time I decided to do it in cake to have larger units. The result is the same.

Bacon & Cheese Cake Emmental


Bacon 200 g chips
315 gr flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder.
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 1 egg
60 g melted butter 250 ml

milk 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
90 g finely grated Emmental cheese.


Preheat oven to 190 º C

prepare our desired molds. I used disposable molds so no lubrication. If you use both silicone molds metal Oilers a little butter and put some baking paper on the bottom of mold in the case of the cake.

in a pan with a little oil, fry the bacon chips until golden brown. Remove from heat, we strain and let cool.

In a bowl mix the flour, sugar, yeast and salt.

In another bowl mix the egg, butter, milk and yogurt until all ingredients are well incorporated. Add this mixture to the flour and stir well until blended. Using a wooden spoon or silicone chips add bacon and Emmental cheese to the mix. Do not stir much just a few laps.

We spend our dough that we have prepared molds and bake 20-25 minutes. veams or until the top is golden and toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean.
let stand on rack 5 minutes. Dessmoldamos and serve warm or at room temperature.

Hope you like
Happy Week! Ingrid

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hacking Katesplayground


had yet to publish this dessert menu was part of Jamie Oliver that I took a few weeks. I said it deserved a full entry for him just to honor him and to start your name, I love, is very chic right? and instead is a super easy dessert to prepare and the result is very attractive, elegant and delicious.

Affogato is the name of a typical Italian dessert with ice cream base and a good café ristretto above. From here the imagination has no limits. Jamie's version adds cherries, shortbread cookies and chocolate on top. And I made my modifications to the version of Jamie. As I found
cherries, I used strawberries and chocolate as I lose I put cookies prince. The spectacular result that something so good.
If you have invited and they will love and be surprised but, as I give the action to make a cup dais a whim just because.

Affogato: (Jamie's 30 Minute Meals)

1 Espresso. Prince
1 cookie (or any kind you like)
strawberries cut up into pieces 3-4 + 1-2 to decorate.
1 teaspoon sugar.
2 tablespoons vanilla ice cream.
1 tablespoon grated black chocolate in small chips.

In a bowl put the cookie into small pieces i the strawberries into small cubes.
Add the sugar and serve at the table.
We put the two scoops of vanilla ice cream in the cup and finally threw the coffee on top.
Sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

could not be easier
Hope you like!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Masterbation Is Haram

Magazine April Collaboration

guess many will have seen already, but wanted to share with all you my partnership in the journal Whole Kitchen for the month of April.
My heartfelt thanks to Wanderer and Betty for giving me the opportunity to participate in large project that exceeds every month and I find extraordinary. It has been an honor!
If you have not seen the magazine, do not expect more because it's fantastic

Here I leave with the recipes I've had the pleasure of work:

Cheesy Garlic Rolls (buns cheese and garlic) and foie gras mousse with onion

Lemon Curd Tart
4 layers

Hope you
Happy Week! Ingrid