Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Long Do You Serve Before You Can Retire?

Tortilla Cod and Sweepstakes Winner! Bavarois

Well, this week is still intense in terms of input referred you? I think this rate had not been published ever since I opened the blog.
But happy to keep up with everything and get there in time to publish the entry Cod this month we proposed girls Memòries d'una Cuinera.

This month it was quite complicated with the proposal, they know it, why do not I like the cod, and I love fish more than meat, but I have no great fondness for him.
But all I wanted all my small contribution to I went to investigate a simple recipe and above individual, because if I do not like much, Marc even close.
The tortilla
I present to find the perfect recipe to incorporate the Cod.
Smooth, with a combination of leeks and onions, tortillas make this a good choice to eat this fish. Really delicious.

Salt Cod Tortilla:


200 g of desalted cod fillets
3 eggs 2 medium onions
1 large leek
2 tablespoons olive oil


desalted cod fillets in a pan with an ounce of milk. Heat and remove from heat when it starts to boil. Let stand until the milk to warm.

Cut the onions and leeks and sauté finite commodity in a pan with a little oil over medium heat until well poached.

In a bowl beat the eggs and add the cod pieces, onions and leeks.
Grease a pan, not too big if you want it is a bit thick, and add the egg mixture.
Boil over high heat until it begins to set and went down to medium heat. we turn with the help of a plate and cook the other side until it is golden brown.

We have a winner of the Draw batch of My Lovely Food Shop.

Congratulations Carmen! Hope you enjoy!

Kit consisting
by: Marshmallow cream, cake leveler, natural aroma of strawberry, cookie cutter basket of chocolate Valrhona Grand Cru Manjari, white glitter, fondant licorice.

todods Thank you for participating! Ingrid


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