Sunday, April 10, 2011

Michael Jackson Ignores The Paparazzi

Emmental cheese

This weekend has been great as far as temperatures are concerned. We have been enjoying the sun, so appealing and desirable warm weather, the outdoors, take the opportunity to take walks, hiking, going to the beach and some even dared enjoy the sea.

for us has been intense, filled with family gatherings and friends birthday earrings, with the pace of life we \u200b\u200blead, we accumulate and then suddenly come and spend eating all day. As
not have much time and the desserts were covered, I prepared these cakes savory Bacon and cheese that are made at a time and the result is very good. I went 3 and one cortadito stayed home and everything.
fluffy and soft crumb are ideal for an aperitif or to accompany a salad or anything else. The original version was in muffin form, but this time I decided to do it in cake to have larger units. The result is the same.

Bacon & Cheese Cake Emmental


Bacon 200 g chips
315 gr flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder.
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 1 egg
60 g melted butter 250 ml

milk 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
90 g finely grated Emmental cheese.


Preheat oven to 190 ยบ C

prepare our desired molds. I used disposable molds so no lubrication. If you use both silicone molds metal Oilers a little butter and put some baking paper on the bottom of mold in the case of the cake.

in a pan with a little oil, fry the bacon chips until golden brown. Remove from heat, we strain and let cool.

In a bowl mix the flour, sugar, yeast and salt.

In another bowl mix the egg, butter, milk and yogurt until all ingredients are well incorporated. Add this mixture to the flour and stir well until blended. Using a wooden spoon or silicone chips add bacon and Emmental cheese to the mix. Do not stir much just a few laps.

We spend our dough that we have prepared molds and bake 20-25 minutes. veams or until the top is golden and toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean.
let stand on rack 5 minutes. Dessmoldamos and serve warm or at room temperature.

Hope you like
Happy Week! Ingrid


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