Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hacking Katesplayground


had yet to publish this dessert menu was part of Jamie Oliver that I took a few weeks. I said it deserved a full entry for him just to honor him and to start your name, I love, is very chic right? and instead is a super easy dessert to prepare and the result is very attractive, elegant and delicious.

Affogato is the name of a typical Italian dessert with ice cream base and a good café ristretto above. From here the imagination has no limits. Jamie's version adds cherries, shortbread cookies and chocolate on top. And I made my modifications to the version of Jamie. As I found
cherries, I used strawberries and chocolate as I lose I put cookies prince. The spectacular result that something so good.
If you have invited and they will love and be surprised but, as I give the action to make a cup dais a whim just because.

Affogato: (Jamie's 30 Minute Meals)

1 Espresso. Prince
1 cookie (or any kind you like)
strawberries cut up into pieces 3-4 + 1-2 to decorate.
1 teaspoon sugar.
2 tablespoons vanilla ice cream.
1 tablespoon grated black chocolate in small chips.

In a bowl put the cookie into small pieces i the strawberries into small cubes.
Add the sugar and serve at the table.
We put the two scoops of vanilla ice cream in the cup and finally threw the coffee on top.
Sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

could not be easier
Hope you like!


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