Thursday, April 28, 2011

Best Paper Towel Brand

Film & Food Challenge in April and Julia Child Brioche

Oh, that desire had to come today, 29th of April, a great day waited for me and Alba, and I hope for all who wanted to participate with us on this first challenge that we proposed in Film & Food. Cooking a recipe from Julia Child. The challenge we proposed to speak through the film Julie & Julia. For those of you perdistes this magnificent and complete post, here are the link .

And now we turn to the recipe.

When I saw the proposals that we made to our challenge haviáis staff made me special pleasure to prepare the buns, thanks to all the propustistéis!!
The brioche I've always loved a sweet bread, sweet and super combined with everything.

But I like especially because it brings back many childhood memories Above the snacks as a child and celebrating the birthday of the cronyism of cole. We'd all home of the host (then, there was chiquiparks and similar sites, at best, sometimes we'd go to McDonalds) and mom brought us this huge tray with croissants stuffed with ham and cheese, spicy sausage, and sausage different always spread with a layer of butter ..... And rich they were.
Then you get older and do not know why is one of the things I've been eating nothing. So I really wanted to prepare and bake a few, well and good home and give me a good deayuno of these muffins with butter and jam and if it boasts a whim in the afternoon.

Brioches Julia Child:

Ingredients for the sponge:

85 ml of warm milk
1 envelope dry yeast bread
360 grams of bread flour (180gr and 180 gr)

Ingredients Brioche:

170 gr butter at room temperature
200 grams of flour
4 eggs 100 g sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt.


In a bowl put the milk with yeast and egg. Stir well to dissolve the yeast.

If we the dough with the bread , add the contents of the bowl into the baking tray, and add 180 gr of flour and knead for five minutes. Add the remaining 180 grams of flour and let that 's just about 30-45 minutes until we see that the mass increases in volume and sibrasale by the upper layer of flour.

Add the sugar, beaten eggs, salt and 200 grams of flour and knead about 15 minutes. If we see quedadndo dough is too sticky, add a little more flour.
After these 15 minutes proceed to add the butter cut into small cubes. We'll adding, while kneading, one by one until they are well integrated into the dough. not add the following until well blended above.
Grease a bowl with oil and turn our dough on it. Cover with plastic wrap and let weigh about 2 hours or until they rise to twice its size.

If we make the dough by hand , add the contents of small bowl with the milk in another bowl and add more than 180 grams of bread flour, knead about 5 minutes. After this time, add the remaining 180 grams of flour and let stand 30-45 minutes.

Add the sugar, beaten eggs, salt and 200 grams of flour. Stir well, and passed the mixture to a floured work sueprfice. Knead well until all ingredients are incorporated, about 15 minutes. If we see that the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. After a few minutes I proceed to add the butter cut into small cubes. Add piece by piece and amasmos well until well incorporated into the dough. We continue to incorporate all the butter.
Grease a bowl with oil and turn our dough on it. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest about 2 hours or until double its original size

After this time, we remove the dough from bowl and give it the desired shape, buns, braids, or whatever you want and place them on a baking sheet. We left about 15 minutes resting. Paint the top with beaten egg and bake about 10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

I hope you like! Ingrid


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