Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Does Teeth Gel Expire

Vanilla and chocolate tears

sweet Wholekitchen in its proposal for the month of April, invites us to prepare Bavarois

This month, the option we propose is Wholekitchen girls dessert very basic and very easy to do. There are many versions leaboradas much as we have seen throughout the day, but this time I opted for the simplest version of all. Although I gave the finishing touch on the top with these tears of chocolate as good I'm loving it.

Bavarois Vanilla:


685 ml of milk.
1 vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
6 egg yolks
160 gr sugar
3 teaspoons powdered gelatine
185 ml of cream
120 g of black chocolate to melt.


Heat some milk, vanilla bean and cinnamon stick, not allowing it to boil. Remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes. We take the vanilla pod and cinnamon stick.

Whisk egg yolks and sugar until mixture is thick and clear. Gradually add milk while to beat. We had everything to a clean large saucepan and stir constantly over low heat until mixture thickens. Do not let boil. Cover surface with plastic wrap to prevent the formation of a layer.

Put 2 tablespoons of water in a heatproof bowl, sprinkle gelatin over into an even layer and let it acquire a spongy appearance.

Boil water in a large saucepan. , Remove from heat and carefully sumergimnos saucepan with the gelatin in boiling water (covering half) and stir until dissolved. Add cream and beat. We cover and let cool.

Whip the cream and mix it with cold cream. The colocomos in the desired mold and leave in refrigerator overnight.

next day.
Back out in the microwave the chocolate and let cool a minute. Extend or make the desired shapes on the top of the Bavarois i let cool completely.

Hope you enjoy! Ingrid


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